Jill Brammer Ware

Email me with any questions, comments, friendships, feedback, wishes, requests, good tidings, and/or musings. I would love to hear from you!


I’m also on Twitter @jillbware



    1. Thank you so much! I really enjoy your blog as well, and I appreciate you thinking of The Bloom Studio for nomination – so sweet! I’m still so new to blogging I hope I can come up with 7 blogs…I’m going to give it my best shot:) Wishing you all good things and thanks again!

  1. Oh I LOVE reading about people turning their lives around. So inspiring!! Thank you so much for stopping by on my blog πŸ™‚ I can see I’ll get inspired reading yours πŸ™‚

      1. Definitely πŸ™‚ Anything inspirational, talking about self-kindness and what nurtures us… So many “kindred spirits” out there πŸ™‚

  2. Jill, you were kind enough to stop by my blog and so I came to visit you. Lucky me. I absolutely love your work. Simple but evocative images. Beautiful work.

    Will be happily following you.


    1. Tom – Thank you so much for your kind words. Your blog is truly beautiful, and your writing resonates deeply with me. I am very much in the throes of unraveling my life in order to rebuild it, and I, too, have two sons although they are still very young, so your work was a perfect find. Seems like you have been there – are there, and I am glad to have stumbled onto your site. Thanks again, and I look forward to reading more.

  3. Hi Jillbware , thanks for stopping by to read my blog . I read yours ,and liked it too . do stop by more often and you can read some nice short inspiring stories on my blog . You may want to check out a lovely poem “When God created Mothers ” on my blog in my Archives dated Jan -20 -2012 . so , enjoy your boys and have fun .

  4. Jill,

    It’s important to me that you know that as I wrote today’s “Something Happened,” you were right there- the “pen and ink” reference was you.

    Our connection is precious.


    1. Tom, What a gorgeous post! Wow – thank you for including me. I, too, came into blogging with a very different intention, and like you, have been completely transformed by the experience – who knew so many kindred spirits were out there with such beautiful voices. I absolutely understand that “thirst for the work”, and I am amazed at how much that “thirst” has guided me home, to who I was meant to be. As always, I am humbled, and inspired by your words. Thank you with my full heart. Jill

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